Webflow Shopify Integration: What You Need to Know Before You Get Started

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Webflow Shopify Integration: What You Need to Know Before You Get Started

Shopify and Webflow stand out as leading choices for e-commerce businesses. Shopify is celebrated for its robust e-commerce functionalities, while Webflow shines for its design versatility.

While each platform boasts its own merits, combining them can unlock further advantages for businesses. In this article, we'll delve into the advantages of Shopify and Webflow integration and provide insights on how to accomplish this synergy.

Why Integrate Shopify with Webflow?

Integrate Shopify
Source: Unsplash

After Webflow Shopify integrates, businesses can take advantage of the advanced functionality of Shopify while leveraging the design capabilities of Webflow. 

Shopify offers a range of e-commerce features, such as payment processing and order management, that can help businesses manage their online store more effectively. At the same time, Webflow offers powerful design tools that allow businesses to create beautiful, custom websites that are optimized for e-commerce.

The integration of Webflow and Shopify brings about a significant workflow enhancement for businesses. When these two platforms collaborate seamlessly, businesses gain the ability to oversee their product management, order processing, and payment handling within a unified interface, eliminating the need for intricate integrations or manual data input. This not only saves time but also minimizes the likelihood of errors.

Nonetheless, it's worth noting that Shopify has certain limitations in terms of design flexibility. With Webflow's integration into Shopify, businesses can harness the design prowess of Webflow to craft a fully personalized and visually striking e-commerce store. 

Webflow empowers businesses to fashion responsive designs that function flawlessly across all devices, guaranteeing that customers can access and purchase products from the store, regardless of the device they use.

Benefits of Using Shopify Webflow Integration

Increased Flexibility

By Webflow Shopify integration, businesses can have more control over the design and functionality of their e-commerce store. With Webflow, businesses can create custom pages, add animations, and create custom forms. Webflow also offers advanced features like dynamic content and custom code integration, allowing businesses to create complex and unique features for their store.

Streamlined Workflows

Webflow Shopify integration can help businesses streamline their workflows. With Shopify managing the e-commerce functionality and Webflow handling the design and user experience, businesses can focus on growing their business and providing the best possible customer experience. Orders from Shopify will automatically sync with Webflow, ensuring that businesses can manage their orders and inventory seamlessly.

Cost-Effective Solution 

Shopify offers affordable pricing plans for businesses of all sizes. By Webflow Shopify integration, businesses can have a cost-effective solution that meets their e-commerce and website design needs. This can help businesses save money on website development and maintenance costs, allowing them to invest more resources into marketing and growing their business.


As businesses grow, their e-commerce needs may change. With Webflow Shopify integration, businesses can easily scale their e-commerce store without having to worry about the design and functionality of their website. Webflow and Shopify are both highly scalable, ensuring that businesses can handle increased traffic and sales volumes without any issues.

Webflow Shopify Integration: How to Build a Custom Ecommerce Store

Webflow Shopify Integration
Source: Unsplash

We’ll cover two examples that demonstrate this feature within a Collection List and a Collection Page

1. Create a Shopify account:

To begin, you must establish a Shopify account, the platform responsible for hosting your online store and managing your payment processing. Shopify provides various pricing options tailored to diverse requirements, including a complimentary trial to assist you in initiating your e-commerce journey.

2. Create a Collection in Webflow:

Establishing a Collection within Webflow constitutes a pivotal phase in the process of configuring your e-commerce store. A Collection serves as a blueprint that empowers you to specify the framework and attributes for a particular category of content, specifically, your products. Through the creation of a Collection, you can optimize the organization and management of your products.

To initiate the creation of a Collection within Webflow, log in to your account and navigate to the CMS section. Select "Add Collection" and designate "Product" as the Collection type. 

This action will generate a fundamental Collection with predefined fields, although you retain the flexibility to tailor it to your specific requirements by incorporating or removing fields as needed.

Create a Collection
Source: Webflow

In your Collection, it's essential to define the mandatory attributes for your products. The specific fields to be included can vary depending on the nature of your products, but a few standard fields typically encompass:

  • Product ID: a unique identifier for each product in your store
  • Product Component: the type of product, such as "t-shirt" or "phone case"
  • Price: the cost of the product
  • Brief Description: a short summary of the product
  • Long Description: a detailed description of the product
  • Thumbnail Image: a small image that represents the product
  • Unique Identifier: a unique identifier for each product, such as the Product Handle or Product ID from Shopify

Incorporating these fields into your Collection enables you to store and oversee your products effectively within Webflow. Moreover, you have the flexibility to append extra fields, such as product variants, sizes, colors, or any other pertinent data as needed.

3. Add your products from Shopify to your Collection in Webflow:

Incorporating your Shopify products into a Webflow Collection presents an excellent strategy for showcasing your products on your website, all the while harnessing the potent e-commerce capabilities that Shopify offers. 

This seamless integration empowers you to efficiently oversee your products through Shopify and seamlessly present them on your Webflow website.

To commence this process, you must establish a Webflow Collection designed to house your Shopify products. A Collection essentially serves as a repository for similar items, such as the products in your online store. Webflow Collections are dynamic, which means you can exhibit them in various ways on your website and conveniently update their contents.

Once your Collection is set up, you can introduce your Shopify products by utilizing Webflow's Dynamic Embeds feature. Dynamic Embeds offer a means of incorporating dynamic content from external sources, like Shopify, into your website. 

To embed your Shopify products, you'll need to generate a Shopify widget code and then insert it into the Dynamic Embeds settings within Webflow.

4. Add an Embed component to a Collection List or Collection Page:

In order to showcase your products on your website, it's necessary to incorporate an Embed component into either a Collection List or a Collection Page. 

A Collection List serves as a particular template within Webflow that exhibits a list of items retrieved from a Collection, while a Collection Page is a template tailored for a singular item sourced from a Collection, like a product's detailed page. The choice between these templates depends on your desired presentation style for the product.

5. Obtain the embed code from Shopify:

code from Shopify
Source: Webflow

To obtain the embed code from Shopify for a product, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopify account.
  2. Navigate to the product you want to display on your website.
  3. Click on the button in the top right corner of the product page.
  4. Select "Embed Code" from the dropdown menu.
  5. A popup window will appear with the embed code for the product. You can customize the size and style of the embed code by selecting different options from the dropdown menus.
  6. Copy the embed code snippet.
  7. Go to your Webflow site and open the page where you want to add the product.
  8. Drag and drop an Embed component onto the page.
  9. Paste the embed code snippet into the Embed component.
  10. Save and publish your changes.

It's important to recognize that you can also incorporate collections, purchase buttons, and other Shopify components by following analogous procedures. 

Additionally, Shopify extends more sophisticated embedding possibilities, including the utilization of JavaScript APIs or Shopify App SDKs, which necessitate a certain degree of coding expertise.

Replace the unique identifiers in the Dynamic Embed:

Last but not least, you should substitute the distinct identifiers in the Dynamic Embed with the respective values extracted from your Collection fields. 

This adjustment guarantees that every product is presented with accurate information, including the product name, price, and image. After completing this step, your Dynamic Embed is set for action! 

In case you want to include more products down the road, you can effortlessly achieve this by crafting a fresh entry in your Products Collection, obtaining the unique identifiers, and inserting them into the appropriate fields.


The fusion of Webflow and Shopify offers businesses a multitude of advantages, encompassing heightened design versatility, enriched e-commerce capabilities, and a more efficient workflow. By uniting the capabilities of these two platforms, businesses can fashion a comprehensive e-commerce store that caters to their specific design and functional needs.


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